Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Years Resolutions

Last Thursday on Christmas Eve-Eve was my last day at work before a week of vacation, which actually means replacing a leaky toilet in my house and the half rotted floor underneath it.(That story later) During that day last day on duty the reporter that I was working with and I came up with a New Years Resolution to work together on and I came up with a few individual things to work on as well.

Our team goal for 2005 is to rack up some awards for our daily toil as photojournalist and reporter. It may seem kind of petty, but being able to look back and say I did this story or that story and a group of my peers voted it to be one of the best stories in 2005 is nice. But an award still comes in second to a viewer or subject of a story giving positive feedback.

I of course have the standard resolution of wanting to boost my workout routing. I am currently running and weight-lifting two days a week. I would like to get that to 3 days a week, and I need to get on the mountain bike at least once a week.

I also want to buy a bigger house in 2005. I have 2 children and my wife has 3 and we are all squeezed into a 3 bedroom vinyl sided sardine can. I need at least one more bedroom, and something in the same school district with a yard as large as the one we have now.(the only perk to this place)

The last thing I really want to do in '05 is get a new computer with the power to edit projects at home. I have the opportunity every now and then to do a little side work so a nice Non-Linear editing platform would be a great asset to my back pocket.

Otherwise life is good, no complaints. ('cept for the house!)

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