We hung out with friends old and new, roamed the NAB floor, partied with fellow photogs at the B-Roll Bash, got way to little sleep and have now all returned home with hundreds of pictures and hours of video.

Now comes the hard part....making something out of all of that material.

Coming up in the next few days to a week check out this site, along with Turdpolisher's and of course Lenslinger's for in-depth and sometimes amusing (to us anyway) stories from the floor of the Las Vegas convention center and NAB 08.

Some of the topics on tap include - 3 almost famous and righteous dudes, the little car that could, the capital city sprinter mobile, how to light video with AA batteries, why supermodels are better than a camera dolly, how Abe Lincoln got through the Gettysburg Address and best of all, an in-depth interview with B-Roll.Net owner and founder Kevin Johnson.

(and now to sound like a cheesy TV tease...) All that and more coming up as quickly as I can compress video and press publish.

For now...Here is a link to the pictures the 3 of us took. Check 'em out while I get cranking on the video.
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