In the picture above is Felesha and her infant son Joshua. Felesha is 13 years old and was only 12 when she got pregnant. I met Felesha and her 14 year old boyfriend Damian (below) about a week before little Joshua was born but my kids have known Felesha and played on ball teams with Damian for years.
Damian and Felesha made a mistake in the name of having a good time and probably a little arrogance (read - unsafe sex) about life but they have a strong family behind them and they are learning how to be parents while still just barely teenagers.

I was there with my TV Camera when Felesha had the baby and I visited her after she had settled into mommyhood at home.
They seem to be doing well and the baby is a cute, happy little thing.
The 2 part series on Teen Pregnancy can be seen HERE(PART 1) and HERE(PART 2)
Powerful stuff Weaver.
I'm actually speachless...maybe you should do an update on the baby's 1st birthday.
is it a girl or a boy
ur an idiot. i mean come on.
omg you would have to be stupid. seriously, im sorry but if your going to have sex at least use a condom, expecialy when you are just becoming a teen. just because you are old enough to start your period, doesnt mean you are old enough for sex.
Shut up people. Condoms don't always work. Yeah, she was a little young but I know what she's going through!
well , like what the fuck were you thinking , you see your on the fucking internet and in public i would be so embarressed but who cares, you just ruined your life and trying to be grown. Now you need a life and thats why they Call Condoms so ya needa buy one or adopt that bnaby !
the farther looked like he had hard sex!! i feel kinda sorry 4 her but she still shouldnt have done that she has just ruined her life!!
Come on guys! She's having a hard enough time being a mother at 13 and nobody wants to be told that their child ruined their life. I'm sure they realize they should have used a condom but they can't change it now. So congratulations on your child
This Is Felesha, For All The People Running Their mouths about me and damian, grow up! i am a wonderful mother and damian is a wonderful father. joshua is almost 2 years old and healthy as can be, not that i need to explain that to you. just because were young doesnt mean we cant be great parents and we are. You people need to grow up and get a life instead of talking about mine and damians life. my child didn't ruin my life in anyway what so ever, he made me better. if i didnt have him who knows where me or damian would be, probably in alot of trouble and for " Anonymous" no i shouldnt of put my child up for adoption and you shouldnt of said that, that is very rude. which im sure your just a very ignorant person that has nothing better to do then to talk about 2 teenagers. i am a wonderful parent and so is damian, so i would really like for you to shut your mouth. your not taking care of joshua and your not raisin him! ME AND DAMIAN ARE.
I applaud you for being so brave, I cannot imagine finding myself in that situation. Congratulations on our beautiful family, your son is so beautiful! And to everyone with their negative comments, of course they are a young family, I'm sure it is never someones intention to become pregnant at 12 BUT with a supportive family and partner that child will have a better start in life than many children born to adult parents.
ok look ppl thats my family to my name is megan anderson damians sistor yeah so what they had a baby young there doin better then alot of parents out here joshua is doin great and very healthy there always with joshua knowing that he is ok he has 2 great parents and a big family to suport joshua is loved , cared for and never goes without anything joshue has changed all of ouer lifes so know the truth befor you just start talkin about ppl and how do we know your not a bad parent? for 15&16 there doing great age is just a number
This is Tricia, Felesha's sister and all I have to say is there are adult parents out here that lock there kids in closets and make them go with out food, and these people are ADULTS. So if you want to say that being 13 is a bad age to have a baby learn what you are talking about cause some people can be in their 30 and that can be a bad age for a child! If you are woman enough to have a baby you should be woman enough to take care of it and that was how Felesha looked at it as well! And U don't know know that many people that can carry a baby for 40 weeks and feel it inside her just to give it up!! Joshua is a wonderful and smart child he is very healthy and everyone who knows him absolutely adores him!!! I don't know one person that regrets him except you anonymous and he didn't ruin anyones life he helped Felesha she is a great mother and has always been there for him so grow up and stop worrying about a great mother and stop talking smack God is the only person who has the right to judge someone AKA let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.
One last thing what goes around comes around remember that when you have a daughter.
this is my opinoin to the parents and the other people that had bad comments about young parents for one congrats on the baby and god is thanking you to cause god wants all children and felesha is right you are not raising josh she and her boyfriend is and for the people that put mean comments you guys are all self centered and guess what my brother is 16 and his girlfriend is 16 too almost 17 and they are having a baby and my parents are happy for them soo. for the people that put the bad comments shut your mouth they probley have enough on thier hnads and they have to deal with you
OK... I think that's very brave but i just have 1 question... How much trouble were you in when your parents found out you were pregnant?
This is Melissa McCoy a family friend.Felesha is a great mother an lil Josh has been a gift from god. Lil Josh is what gets Felesha through this hard life! He makes her laugh, smile, care an grow. He is her world an she is his. She has done a wonderful job taken care of him an teaching him. He is very smart an vocal. I was a young mother myself an was unable 2 do what Felesha does everyday. Felesha is a great rolemodel for young mothers euerywhere that have or are going through the same things. I love u so much Felesha an lil Josh an I'm so proud of you. May God keep blessing you on your path through life.
Its actually pretty sad that you people have nothing better to do then look down upon a teenage girl. I am a wonderful mother to Joshua. He is the smartest two year old you will ever see, he knows h is abc's and alot more. My child will sit down and have an adult conversation with you! What two year old child does that?
My hole point about this is grow up I am a better mother then any of you know! I love my child with everything in me and he knows it!
Doesnt that loser damian have another baby on the way?!
I really don't know thats none of my business and none of yours either and if he did it wouldn't concern you so stop talking shit
peopel make mistakes maybe that wasnt a mistake and im pretty sure they know theres condoms and its really no ones buissnes
This Is Maddie. And I Am A Friend Of Felesha And She Is The Best Mom Out Here I Know That She Loves Her Child More Than Her Own Life. And Yes She Was Young, But She's Not The Only Teenager Out Here Who Has Gotten Pregnant. She May Could Have Done It Differently, But She Can't Change It Now. And I'm Glad She Has Joshua, Because He Made Her Stronger And She Wouldn't Be The Same Person She Is Today!
This Is Maddie. And I Am A Friend Of Felesha And She Is The Best Mom Out Here I Know That She Loves Her Child More Than Her Own Life. And Yes She Was Young, But She's Not The Only Teenager Out Here Who Has Gotten Pregnant. She May Could Have Done It Differently, But She Can't Change It Now. And I'm Glad She Has Joshua, Because He Made Her Stronger And She Wouldn't Be The Same Person She Is Today!
I'm tweleve and I wouldn't have had sex but it's your choice. As long as u guy r happy it's fine and who really cares. If Damian stool by u all this time then he probably is a good dad. And for your son ( personally I'd want a girl) at least hes happy. SO EVERYONE STOP GIVEING THEM A HARD TIME IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS YOU GUYS ARE THE TYPE of PEOPLE THat PEOPLE WANT TO HURT BECAUSE YOU DON'T NOW HOW TO KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS SHUT ABOUT THINGS SO WHAT IF THEY MADE A BAD DECISION THEY PROBALY THOUGHT THAT RIGHT WHEN JOSHUA WAS BORN BUT NOW THEY WOULDN'T HAVE DONE ANYTHING ELES IN THE WORLD BECAUSE THEY FUCKING LOVE HIM I was adopted because my mom was a teen I stilll now her she sees me all the time it's not like she loves me any less she just couldn't take care of me she's married now and isn't going to have kids for a long time until she wants SO EVERYONE STOP RUNNING UR MOUTHS IT'S NOT UR JOB TO TELL THEM THEY SCREWED UP AND BITCH TO THEM BECAUS ETHEY DIDN'T SCREW UP IT WAS THERE DECISION DID THEY GET ABORTION PILLS NO SO THEY WANTED TO HAVE THE BABY SO JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE IT'S NOT UR LIFE IT'S THERE'S
Not sure if ppl are still reading this but if they are... They more than likely don't have kids!!! You guys really need to stop talking shyt bc like everyone said. You guys are not raising that little boy!!! They are. She is and he is!!! Having a child is a blessing they can come quick and leave just as fast. At 18 I had my first daughter. And she died at 6mths old.... It was horrible. I would never talk shyt about someone being a young mother bc I was to. And took very good care of my child an it was out of my hands that she had past away!!! I now have a 2 yr old and a 7 mths old. And I'm only 23. Still YOUNG. Just bc I'm not 13 don't mean shyt. Taking care of a child is hard work. They knew what they where doing when they had sex. I'm sure they didn't plan on having a baby. But it happened! Lil josh is so cute. He's probably 4 yrs old by now and I'm sure she's still doing a great job. Don't judge ppl if u never walked in there shoes.......
any update on this? is the baby ok? are the parents still together?
Yep the baby is now 8 years old and resides with me (his mother) A honoroll student and is very healthy
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